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Access to Mental Health Services for Children and Youth

Enhancing the provision of mental health services for children and youth is crucial. We need to work to reduce the wait times to access Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services from the current average of FOUR MONTHS to see a clinician to a more immediate timeframe. Red tape and administrative barriers must be replaced with streamline referrals to make it easier for families to access services without lengthy waiting times.


Additionally, expanding accessibility criteria will ensure that all children and youth receive the support they need and DESERVE, to include a wider range of emotional and behavioural issues.

To achieve this a multifaceted approach is required. First, local initiatives that focus on mental health support for children and young people must be explored, along with increased government and organizational funding.


Furthermore, the number of child and adolescent mental health professionals must be increased through targeted recruitment and training program. ​

We also need to work on school-based mental health services with more on-site counsellors who can provide immediate support and referrals. Mental health awareness and coping strategies should be incorporated into the school curriculum.

Moreover, the role of community outreach programs must not be underestimated with community events to educate families about available mental health resources and how to access them as well as peer mentoring initiatives that connect youth with trained peers for support and guidance.

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